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Classroom Service

Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building (BMS)BMS LT

The following equipment has been installed in Basic Medical Sciences Building - BMS LT.


Audio Equipment

  • Sound System
  • Lectern Microphone
  • Wireless Clip Microphone


Video Equipment

  • LCD Projector
  • Blu-ray Player
  • Visual Presenter
  • Overhead Projector


Computing Equipment

  • Built-in Computer
  • Wireless Presenter
  • Apple TV
  • USB Type-C input for Notebook
  • HDMI Input for Notebook
  • Campus Network Connection - ClassNet
  • Wireless LAN - Wi-Fi Service


Accessible Facilities

  • Zoomit (Computer software)
  • 3.5 mm audio signal cable for
    BYOD Hearing aid system


- For operation of central control system, please refer to AV Equipment User's Guide.

- To get the digital lock password, please check with Access to AV Equipment Cabinet.

- To get the number of seats, please visit Registration and Examinations Section, Registry.